Get to Know IT Glue
IT Glue glossary of common terms
Introduction to flexible assets
Introduction to the key concepts
Relationship mapping (related items/tagging)
Structure and navigation
View global lists
Revisions to core and flexible assets
Quick guide for the IT Glue browser extension
Search Best Practices
What Academy can do for you
IT Glue's Keys to Success
Using IT Glue Search
IT Glue glossary of common terms
IT Glue Mobile App
Your User Account
Flexible Assets
Document Expiration
Quick guide for documents
Import documents in to IT Glue
Copy and move documents between organizations
Copy and paste text and images from outside sources
Create documents with inline images
Document permissions options
Develop your internal knowledge base
Organize your documents with folders
Adding and removing folder security
Create standard operating procedures (SOPs)
Create a client-only documents area
Add sub-docs to documentation
A quick tour of editing
View the audit trail for a document
Document Expiration
Manage Content
Archiving Assets
Office Cloud Editor
Bulk Delete
Bulk Move
Embed a PDF inside a document
Embed video and web-based content
Support for embedded content in flexible assets
Embed Lucidchart Diagrams
Set up a Lucidchart team account
Embed Visio Online Documents
New @relate feature for documents
New way to customize the organizations sidebar
Archiving Assets
Active Directory (AD) Security Groups
Password Access Workflow in IT Glue
Generating One-Time Passwords (OTP)
Adding and removing password folder security
IT Glue is SOC 2 compliant
About password security and encryption
What is IT Glue's cloud hosting environment?
Can IT Glue staff access my data?
Is my data secure with IT Glue?
What is the session timeout length?
How do I copy a password without viewing it?
Choosing between general and embedded passwords
Responsible Security Reporting and Disclosure
Active Directory (AD) Security Groups
Suggest A Feature Portal Guidelines
Tips for creating an efficient support ticket
Contacting IT Glue support
Subscribing to IT Glue Announcements
About the System Status page
Feature request portal
Working with dates and times
Solving browser issues
Restoring deleted items
Attaching files to IT Glue assets and documents
Copying assets in IT Glue
Understanding and deleting duplicates
Merging duplicate organizations
Why Can't I See RMM Data in Configuration List View?
Suggest A Feature Portal Guidelines