We are pleased to announce Active Directory (AD) Security Groups sync for our partners using Network Glue. This feature allows you to automatically document and update AD Security Groups as part of IT Glue Flexible Assets. This feature allows your technicians to check AD user permissions directly in IT Glue without having to login to the AD server. Enabling Security Groups in Network Glue streamlines the technician’s workflow, allows them to solve straightforward tickets in a shorter amount of time, and protects your clients’ AD environment.
How does it work?
Once you have enabled AD sync on a Network Glue collector, you can initiate the AD Security Groups sync by simply selecting a checkbox on the Create or Edit pages of your collector(s). This activates the on-premises AD Security Groups sync. Then, a new Flexible Asset Type called "AD Security Groups" is automatically created and Security Groups data will be automatically documented as Flexible Assets.
IT Glue Administrators and Managers can then edit and manage the AD Security Groups Flexible Asset Type on the Account > Flexible Asset Types page. Finally, AD Security Groups collected and documented by Network Glue will be automatically updated daily so your information remains up to date.
Getting Started
To enable AD Security Groups on your Network Glue collectors, please refer to our KB article here.