Follow this article to set up and generate Backup Coverage Reports for your configurations synced with Unitrends MSP. These reports give you full visibility into your client’s devices and allow you to pinpoint exactly which devices are not backed up and require immediate action.
- You must have an active integration setup with Unitrends MSP. For details, refer to our Integrating with Unitrends MSP KB article.
- You must have Administrator-level access to IT Glue.
Generating a new report
- In IT Glue, navigate to Global > Reports and click the Backups icon. If your IT Glue account does not have an integration setup with Unitrends MSP yet, this icon will be grayed out.
- Next in the Backup Coverage Report page, you will see two tabs: Generate report and View report. On the Generate report tab, complete the following in each section:
- Set your report filters - Here is where you will select configuration types and statuses you want included in the report.
- Organization field - This is mandatory and you may only select one organization.
- Configuration types field - This is a multi-select field. If none are selected, all types will be included in the report.
- Configuration statuses field - This is a multi-select field. If none are selected, all statuses will be included in the report.
- Choose backup statuses that are relevant to you - Here is where you select at least one of the following backup statuses to be included in the report. All are checked by default:
- Configurations with no backups
- Configurations with successful backups
- Configurations with failed backups
- Choose a backup timeframe - Check the Show me backup information collected since checkbox. Use the date picker to define the date range.
- Set your report filters - Here is where you will select configuration types and statuses you want included in the report.
- Finally, review the Include report parameters in the report checkbox. If checked, all filters and parameters you set in step 2 above will appear in the report. This setting is checked by default.
- Click Generate. If you click Cancel, you will be redirected back to the Global > Reports page.
Note: A red banner will appear at the top of the page if your report filters and parameters do not return any configurations.
Viewing the new report
- Once you click Generate, you will be redirected to the View reports tab.
- The Pending section displays the following:
- Organization name
- Date the report was initialized
- Status of the report
- Option to cancel the report generation process
- The Complete section displays the following:
- Organization name
- Date the report was initialized
- Status of the report
- Option to download the generated report
- Expiry reminder (reports will remain live on this page for 24 hours before they expire)
- If no reports are available, a "You have no completed or pending Backup Reports, or your recent reports have expired" message appears.
Reading the PDF report
The completed report downloads as a PDF file, similar to IT Glue Runbooks. It will include the following information based on the filters and parameters you set during the report generation process:
- Summary counts of successful backups, failed backups, and unprotected assets.
- Unprotected assets include configurations that do not have overlaid data from Unitrends MSP, or that have overlaid data from Unitrends MSP but not last backup timestamp.
- The configuration name, type, status, last backup date, and last backup time for each successful, failed backup, and/or unprotected asset.
Important. Backup appliances are not included in any part of the completed report.