Suggest A Feature Portal Guidelines

The IT Glue Ideas Portal is a place where you can request new product enhancements and vote on other partners’ enhancement ideas to IT Glue and its other product lines.

It is a place to engage and connect with the IT Glue Product team and your fellow partners. We value your insight and invite you to share your real-world knowledge to help us improve IT Glue as a product.

We all benefit from a healthy, informative, and vibrant community that resonates with Empathy and Fun; two of our Core Values. As in any product community, mutual respect and cooperation are key elements to success. We want to make sure it is a rewarding experience for all of our global partners.

Here are some DOs and DON’Ts that we recommend you keep in mind while participating in the IT Glue Ideas Portal:


  • Respect other partners and IT Glue employees
  • Raise pain points (and frustrations) in a respectful manner
  • Encourage each other and praise good input
  • Use proper formatting when posting
  • Collaborate


  • Troll, flame, or be offensive
  • Whip up negative sentiment or pile on in a negative manner
  • Swear or post offensive (unrelated) links
  • Spam
  • Infringe copyright or discuss legal issues
  • Use the community to submit an issue or raise a support ticket. Any support requests should be directed to
  • Solicit advice on or engage in illegal activities
  • Solicit idea portal users for any commercial purpose
  • Utilize or interact with the community in any way that violates the IT Glue Terms of Service

It is our policy that this forum be as free from moderation as possible but, nevertheless, we reserve the right to moderate any post or comment or, remove any user that does not conform to the community guidelines. We also reserve the right to update the IT Glue Ideas Portal Guidelines as we deem appropriate and necessary.

To report behaviour or content that violates or is inconsistent with our community guidelines, please email

We look forward to interacting with everyone in the IT Glue Ideas Portal. What great feature ideas do you have?

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