2018-10-31 - Custom SSL branding, Office 365 licenses, GlueFiles, Mobile App Flexible Assets, IT Glue Search in Kaseya BMS

Custom SSL Branding

When sharing public IT Glue documents with your users, make your company instantly recognizable by branding them with your company logo as well as a custom secured URL.

Want to get started? Our Custom SSL Branding article will show you everything you need to know.

Office 365 License Integration

We’ve expanded our Office 365 integration capabilities. You can now integrate licenses along with your tenants, users, and users’ mailbox usage information. Read the Office 365 Licensing article to get started.


GlueFiles gives you the ability to upload, store and manage files securely and centrally within IT Glue. In addition, for supported file types, GlueFiles can be previewed directly in your browser, reducing the need to download files.

In the document list view, you can drag and drop files directly, or you can upload the files via the +New Button. In addition, you can attach files to any Assets.

Our GlueFiles article gives you step-by-step instructions.

IT Glue Mobile App - Flexible Assets and Configurations

This enhancement to our mobile app allows you to use the IT Glue Mobile App to view Configurations and Flexible Assets in your IT Glue account. This will allow you to see all your Configurations when on the go, without the need for a workstation.

IT Glue Search within Kaseya BMS

Find your IT Glue data without leaving Kaseya BMS.

With the IT Glue Chrome Extension installed, activate IT Glue Search on any Kaseya BMS page, by just pressing ‘Q’, to see suggested IT Glue results.

Learn more by reading this article.  

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