MyGlue FAQ

Will flexible assets be available? Are they customizable on a per-organization basis?

Yes, flexible assets can be made visible to MyGlue accounts and access can be customized with asset-level permissions. You are now able to create flexible asset types which are accessible by one or more of your clients.

Will there be a mobile app?

Yes, there is a MyGlue mobile app available for both iOS and Android.

Will you be offering an initial discount or free trial for the purpose of training or testing?

We do not offer trials of MyGlue. However, we provide 5 free MyGlue seats to get started. This enables you to facilitate any testing, training, or other requirements you may have prior to rolling out MyGlue.

Can MyGlue seats be split across different clients, or does each client require their own seat pack?

Yes, your MyGlue subscription includes a pack of seats. These seats can be allocated as you see fit across any of your clients.

Do you have to have IT Glue to use MyGlue?

Yes, MyGlue can only be provisioned from within an IT Glue account.

Is there a way to dump in a demo-company/passwords into our IT Glue account so we can show users how it works with MyGlue?

Yes, using the free 5 seats of MyGlue provided on every account you are able to setup your own complete demo environment by creating a dummy organization in your IT Glue account and setting up for MyGlue.

Will my techs be restricted from viewing clients' personal passwords/information? Is this the default setting? In other words, is it possible to create passwords in MyGlue that nobody else can see?

Yes, by default, IT Glue users will not be able to see data created in MyGlue. If you have enabled Default Security then, by default, a password is only visible to the user that has created it in MyGlue. The original creator will need to change the security settings to allow other MyGlue users to see it. Any data created in MyGlue can be easily shared to IT Glue groups.

Can MyGlue hide a password from users that you choose but allow them to autofill the password into a site?

By design, we currently do not enable filling of a passwords which a user does not have access to. Most tools claiming to provide this functionality actually expose the password in plain text through the browser session.

Are the passwords going to be protected against deletions and versioning?

Yes, any item that is deleted or changed by a MyGlue user can be restored by an IT Glue admin. Permissions are restored as well, which means while the IT Glue admin can restore the asset, they can't see its contents.

Can we use MyGlue for our non-technical employees?

MyGlue is restricted to be used by your clients or for internal testing purposes. Restrictions are in place to prevent abuse, and abuse is in violation of our Terms of Service.

Does this include the Runbooks feature? Would that be an add-on? 

Features and functionality that are accessible via Global/Account URLs are not available to MyGlue accounts. This is by design in order to allow you control over delivery of Runbooks. The recommended approach would be to publish a Runbook PDF as a document shared with the appropriate MyGlue account.

Is MyGlue available in the EU Data Center?

Yes, MyGlue is available in the EU data center if the IT Glue partner is in the EU data center. The sign-in URL for MyGlue in the EU region is

Is it possible to allow contacts in a subsidiary organization access to documents at the parent level?

Yes, if both parent and subsidiary organizations are part of the same MyGlue account, a user with membership in the respective MyGlue group would be able to access data in either organization, per granted access/permissions.

Is there a MyGlue Lite, or do all seats require payment?

Yes, there is a MyGlue Lite user type, which has read-only access, and is free.

Are you marketing MyGlue to end users?

We are not marketing MyGlue specifically to end users or consumer organizations. However, we will provide marketing and sales resources to help you be successful with MyGlue.

Will you be running any end-user facing webinars or creating end-user facing material to help us promote MyGlue to our clients? Where would we be able to find this material?

Yes, our team is developing many resources to help you be successful with MyGlue. This includes PowerPoint slide decks, role playing sales demos, pre-recorded end-user education videos, sales tools, spec sheets, sample statement of work, etc.

How do we address client concerns about MyGlue getting hacked?

Security is everybody's responsibility, and it's important to educate customers on the need for password security. As a globally recognized industry leader, IT Glue is SOC 2 compliant, and we put our infrastructure through extensive audits and penetration testing to ensure maximum security.

Read more about our SOC 2 Type II compliance here:

Will MyGlue have MFA or SSO functionality?

MyGlue already has MFA functionality. Any user can turn it on. MyGlue now has SSO functionality. For instructions on how to set up SSO for MyGlue, refer to our KB article here.

Can access to documentation be restricted on a per asset basis or just by asset type?

Both. The per-asset restriction is existing functionality, and we've also introduced the ability to restrict an entire asset type on a per-group basis.

Can we set a global default for MyGlue password permissions?

Yes, an IT Glue administrator can set one of the three following global defaults:

  • All MyGlue users with access to the organization have access by default - Passwords created by MyGlue users will be visible to all other MyGlue users with access to the same organization. This ensures that a low-risk and widely used password is easily accessible.
  • Only the creator has access by default - Passwords created by MyGlue users are visible only to that user. This ensures that a password is not exposed to an entire group or organization upon creation.
  • Specific groups and/or users with access to the organization can access by default - Passwords created by MyGlue users will be automatically shared to specifically chosen MyGlue groups/users or IT Glue groups. This means that MyGlue users don’t need to remember to set those permissions each time they create a password. The password creator will still have access.

Is this going to be compliant with GDPR/HIPAA/SOC 2?

MyGlue is a component of IT Glue, and IT Glue as an organization is SOC 2 compliant. GDPR compliance is a multi-party compliance program that requires MSPs to adopt specific security and data-handling practices ("data controller" in GDPR speak), in addition to IT Glue's responsibilities ("data processor"). We will be publishing more information on our GDPR compliance efforts in due time. IT Glue, and therefore MyGlue are not currently HIPAA compliant, and our terms of service preclude our partners from storing PII within the platform.

Where would the client go for MyGlue support issues?

MyGlue users' Support tab will be populated with their MSP's support information, and MSPs will provide support for MyGlue to their own customers. No direct support for end users will be provided by IT Glue. Self-service options are available at

Can MyGlue's interface be customized or branded?

Customize the look of your MyGlue interface by adding your own company logo to replace the MyGlue logo in the top menu bar. You can also hide the default MyGlue-branded footer. Custom SSL branding is not currently supported for MyGlue accounts. 

Are there any integrations with MyGlue? Is the full IT Glue API available for MyGlue to programmatically import data?

All integrations and API functionality are managed at the IT Glue account level. There are no plans to provide an API at the MyGlue account level. If a customer is more advanced and requires API access, the recommended approach would be a dedicated IT Glue account connected with your account via GlueConnect.

Are there plans for IE/Firefox plugin?

We have no plans to provide an extension for IE or Firefox at this time. The MyGlue web app, however, is fully compatible with most modern browsers.

How easy is it to compile a list of everything a user has access to?

We are currently planning a permissions report feature that will provide deep visibility into individual user permissions across the platform.

Is it possible to migrate IT Glue accounts to MyGlue?

Yes, to migrate an existing user from IT Glue to MyGlue, see this article.

What is the difference between an IT Glue Lite account and a MyGlue user account? 

An IT Glue Light (read only) user is not able to collaborate or co-manage passwords and documentation in IT Glue. A MyGlue user is a fully functional account with edit privileges that can be limited to specific organizations. To learn more about roles and permissions, see MyGlue user roles, groups, and permissions.

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