If you have a great idea for a new feature, you can submit it for evaluation by Product Management. We welcome and consider every feature request submitted by the user community of IT Glue.
To access the feature request portal, go to the top right of IT Glue, click on the "?" drop-down menu, and then click Suggest A Feature.
This logs you in to the feature submission portal (itglue.ideas.aha.io) where you can view and vote on ideas submitted by the user community or submit your own ideas. Through voting, Product Managers can see how much support ideas are getting from the user community. Votes don’t guarantee development, but they help with decision making.
The main pane has three tabs. Use them to filter your results.
- Recent - Ideas that were recently submitted by the community.
- Trending - Ideas that are currently trending with activity.
- Popular - Ideas that are upvoted the most by the community.
You can see a history of your contributions using the left navigation pane:
- My ideas - Shows the ideas you submitted.
- My votes - Shows the ideas you have voted for.
- My subscriptions - Shows the ideas that you are subscribed to.
Submitting a new idea
- Click on the Add a new idea button in the top-left corner of the screen.
- Complete the form and share your idea.
By default, every idea that you submit is voted +1 and you're subscribed to any activity on the idea. Once we receive and review the idea, Product Management marks it with one of the following statuses, which can also be used as a filter to show results.