Integrating with Desk Director

Use this article as a guide for integrating with DeskDirector. IT Glue supports integrating directly with two components of DeskDirector:

  • DeskDirector Portal - Delivering core knowledge base articles directly to clients using documents published in IT Glue.
  • DeskDirector Tech (formerly the Staff HUD) - Accessing context-sensitive client documentation to assist your service desk technicians/engineers.


  • DeskDirector must already be configured and functional.
  • Make sure that any IT Glue articles you want to share with clients have the "Make this document public" box checked. Keep IT Glue open as you configure the DeskDirector integration.


Configuring the DD Portal integration

  1. From DeskDirector navigate to Admin Console > Manage Learning.
  2. Select the Category you would like to enter the IT Glue page under.
  3. Next, click Add Learning to add your desired pages.
  4. From the Add Learning dialog, you can enter a Name that appears in the DD Portal, a Description of the document, and the Hyperlink to the publicly accessible document (e.g.
  5. Next, click the Validate Hyperlink button. After you validate the hyperlink, you should get the following warning message:

    This means that if you open the link from DeskDirector Web as opposed to the desktop version, you will have to open the link as a new window. Clients who have DeskDirector installed on their desktop are not affected.

  6. Click Save.

Configuring the DD Tech integration

  1. Navigate to Admin Console > Manage Tabs.
  2. Create a new Tab as follows:

    Tab Name IT Glue
    Type Ticket Session Tab
    Order Priority Used to change the order of tabs in DD Tech
    URL String ConnectWise:[companyrecordid]
    (with your subdomain instead of "mycompany")

Your IT Glue tab will now appear in DD Tech when your team are viewing an associated support ticket. Accessing the documentation will require an initial log in by your team.

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