Quick guide for flexible assets

Arrows.pngFast path: As a signed in Manager or Admin, go to Account > Flexible Asset Types

The instructions below will walk you through the steps for setting up new flexible asset types. Manager or Administrator level access is required.

If you aren't familiar with flexible assets, please review our Introduction to flexible assets article before proceeding with this section.

From Template From Scratch

If you’re new to IT Glue, we recommend starting with our templates so you can see how IT Glue is typically structured. You'll also have access to our Documentation Guide, which is a set of articles that explain how to enter information in IT Glue using just the templates.

  1. Navigate to Account > Flexible Asset Types and click Import from Template in the top-right corner.


  2. Select the templates you want to import. The pre-built templates include:

  3. Click the Import button to finish importing the templates.

After you import the templates, you will want to decide if the imported flexible assets meet your requirements "as is" or require customization. We recommend starting simple to encourage your team to complete every field. You can always add fields later.

Note: You can import the latest versions of our pre-built templates anytime. You'll need to rename the template you originally imported before the default template re-appears for import.

Where next?

Make sure you add and position your flexible assets on the Organizations sidebar where your team can access them. Navigate to Account > Settings > Customize Sidebar, and then drag and drop your new flexible asset into position in the left column.

Don’t worry about getting every flexible asset design exactly right. You can easily add fields later. However, we recommend entering some data in a test organization to see the results before adding real data.

To explore the different fields that are available to add, see Flexible asset field definitions. We currently offer 10 different kinds of fields, some of which provide additional customization options.

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