Integrating with Continuum Help Desk


Use this article to give Continuum Help Desk access to your IT Glue account, so you can share information.

With this integration, both your in-house and Continuum Help Desk technicians can access the same device information and knowledge in IT Glue to consistently service clients with confidence.

Integration benefits include:

  • A single source of truth for smooth and consistent IT support
  • Efficient cross-platform data searching
  • Granular security control over selected organizations shared with the Help Desk
  • Full visibility of Help Desk technician activities with detailed activity logs
  • Less redundancy and single-source documentation management

IT Glue Integration Best Practices

Below are some items to remember when configuring the Continuum integration:

  • The following items are viewable by the Help Desk:
    • Passwords
    • Configurations
    • Contacts
    • Locations
    • Documents
  • Flexible Assets are currently not supported nor searchable, so be sure all content is created as Documents.
  • Network Glue is currently not supported nor searchable. 
  • Flags can be used to identify incomplete or missing content and to suggest changes. For Continuum Help Desk to update or review content, you must invite Continuum with the Creator role.
    Note: The Help Desk cannot create new documentation for a site and can only flag documentation for errors if Creator access is given. Any net-new documentation created must be migrated over to a site on the user’s end.
  • In a conflict between existing documentation in the ITSupport Portal and IT Glue, the IT Glue documentation supersedes the ITSupport Portal documentation.


  • You must have a Manager or Administrator level access to IT Glue.


  1. Log in to your IT Glue account and navigate to Account > GlueConnect. Then, click on the green + New button in the top-right corner.


  2. Click the Invite Account icon.


  3. In the Invite GlueConnect Account screen, enter Continuum in the Subdomain field. Select the Creator option in the Maximum Role section and click Next.


  4. Select relevant groups and add organizations accessible to connected users.


  5. Restrict account access to organization as applicable. Populated organizations that are greyed out have inherited permissions from a group. Click Next.


  6. Enter the email addresses to send the invitation. You have the option of creating a custom message if desired. Click Send.


Note: Please allow up to 24 hours for the integration invitation to be accepted by a member of the Help Desk. Once accepted, Help Desk users will have immediate access and the invited account will appear in the GlueConnect Invited Accounts page.


Configuring the Integration in Continuum

  1. In IT Glue, make a note of the Company Name, Organization ID, and Organization Name.

    In the example below, continuum and 3029666 are the Company Name and Organization ID, respectively. CONTINUUM-QA is the Organization Name.

  2. In Continuum Help Desk, navigate to the ITSupport portal and click the RMM Setup tab. Then, select a site.
  3. Navigate to the Help Desk Options section within the Product Options tab.
  4. Add the Company Name, Organization ID, and Organization Name from Step 1 in the relevant fields, as highlighted below.


  5. Click Save.
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